Embrace the Life You Aspire to Live

We journey with you through the diverse complexities and challenges of ageing and caregiving.

Embrace the Life You Aspire to Live​​

We journey with you through the diverse complexities and challenges of aging and caregiving.

Who Are We?

JiaYou is a platform dedicated to supporting seniors and caregivers journey through their diverse complexities and challenges of ageing and caregiving. 

Through multi-agency collaboration, we provide holistic support and guidance, empowering you to build resilience and embrace the life you aspire with joy and hope.

seniors dancing

Our Vision

A platform that provides holistic support for seniors and caregivers to embrace the life they aspire with joy and hope.


What We Do?

Our Services

Care Management

Through multi-agency collaboration, we journey with you in nurturing resilience to navigate through the diverse complexities and challenges of ageing and caregiving.


  • Community Intervention Team (COMIT)
  • Community Resource, Engagement and Support Team (CREST)
  • Caregiver Counselling Service

Holistic service that promotes health and fitness for seniors who are at risk of frailty (physical, social and cognitive) through regular multi-modal physical exercise regime, nutritional counselling, psychosocial/cognitive activities and health monitoring.


  • GymTonic Plus

Home based care services that supports homebound or bed bound seniors to ensure they receive dignified care, while also providing much-needed respite for their caregivers.


  • Home Bathing
  • Home Personal Care
  • Home Based Medical and Nursing

Planning and briefing services that facilitate important conversations and simplify the processes for seniors and their caregivers regarding the seniors’ future health, personal care, and end of life arrangements.


  • Advance Care Planning
  • Advance Medical Directive
  • Lasting Power of Attorney

Employment services that empower seniors and caregivers through job training and create employment opportunities, aiming to lift them from poverty and enable them to find fulfillment in meaningful work.


  • Care Navigator

What We Do?

Our Services

Care Management

Comprehensive support for mental health and dementia seniors, and caregivers by providing personalised assessments, counselling, support groups, and connections to community resources.


  • Community Intervention Team (COMIT)
  • Community Resource, Engagement and Support Team (CREST)
  • Caregiver Counselling Service
  • Dementia Care Services
Frailty Care

Holistic service that promotes health and fitness for seniors who are at risk of frailty (physical, social and cognitive) through regular multi-modal physical exercise regime, nutritional counselling, psychosocial/cognitive activities and health monitoring.


  • Gym Tonic
  • SOAR (Stay Optimal And Robust)
Care Services

Home based care services that supports homebound or bed bound seniors to ensure they receive dignified care, while also providing much-needed respite for their caregivers.


  • Home Bathing
  • Home Personal Care
  • Home Based Medical and Nursing
End of Life Care

Planning and briefing services that facilitate important conversations and simplify the processes for seniors and their caregivers regarding the seniors’ future health, personal care, and end of life arrangements.


  • Advance Care Planning
  • Advance Medical Directive
  • Lasting Power of Attorney
Employment Care

Employment services that empower seniors and caregivers through job training and create employment opportunities, aiming to lift them from poverty and enable them to find fulfillment in meaningful work.


  • Care Navigator

Our Programmes

Support Groups

Programmes that provide support to both seniors and caregivers, aiming to promote a positive mindset and build confidence through fostering social connections.


  • Active Ageing Programme
  • Caregivers’ Cafe
  • Caregiver Empowerment Project
  • YAH! Social Action
  • YAH! Social Learning

Programmes that equip caregivers and future caregivers with skills, insights, and knowledge on how to better cope as a caregiver and better care for their seniors.


  • Caregiver Workbook
  • Death and Literacy Talks
  • Dementia Support and Training For Caregivers
  • Education for caregivers on palliative care management

Exhibition that explores conversations on caregiving issues and how care can be practiced differently. 

An immersive experiential exhibition drawing inspiration from Montfort Care Founder | CEO Samuel Ng BBM, book and in collaboration with Drama Box, this exhibition explores conversations on caregiving issues and how care can be practiced differently.

woman smiling with elderly woman

Support Groups

Programmes that provide support to both seniors and caregivers, aiming to promote a positive mindset and build confidence through fostering social connections.


  • Caregivers’ Cafe
  • Caregiver Empowerment Project
  • YAH! Social Action
  • YAH! Social Learning
  • Active Ageing Programme
  • WISE (Wellness Inspired Senior Enrichment)
At home care service nurse caregiver take care senior elderly explain healthcare program from laptop

Training & Workshops

Programmes that equip caregivers and future caregivers with skills, insights, and knowledge on how to better cope as a caregiver and better care for their seniors.


  • Dementia Support and Training For Caregivers
  • Caregiver Workbook
  • Education for caregivers on palliative care management
  • Death and Literacy Talks
asian elderly owman hanging decoration


Exhibition that explores conversations on caregiving issues and how care can be practiced differently. 


An immersive experiential exhibition drawing inspiration from Montfort Care Founder | CEO Samuel Ng BBM, book and in collaboration with Drama Box, this exhibition explores conversations on caregiving issues and how care can be practiced differently.

Let's JiaYou Together!

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Visit Us

Chinatown Point Level 4, #04-01-#04-11 Singapore 059413
Nearest MRT: Chinatown (DTL Exit E)

Call Us

+65 8343 3224
Monday – Friday:
9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Email Us

Got an enquiry?
Send us an email at inquiry@jiayou.org.sg